School is Starting Soon…Has Your Child’s School Been Tested For Radon Yet?

School is Starting Soon…Has Your Child’s School Been Tested For Radon Yet?

Many states in the USA strongly recommend radon testing for schools but only a few require it. Teachers, educators, support staff and your children spend many hours each week in school and may be exposed to radioactive radon gas during all those hours. Long term exposure to elevated concentrations of radon gas has been proven to cause lung cancer.

It is imperative to identify if radon concentrations are elevated in a school and the only way to know is to test. Following national testing standards is recommended. These standards are clearly defined through the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guidelines for testing schools.

If you don’t know if your child’s school or daycare has been tested for radon, be proactive on behalf of your child’s health and ASK. Many schools have steps in place to address noxious fumes, violence, smoke and fire and other health risks.

Radon is a silent killer! …What has your school implemented to protect your child from radioactive radon gas? This too is a safety issue and your child has a right to be educated in a safe, learning environment.

Protect Your Family…Test Your School, Workplace and Home!

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