Radon, an insidious Class A carcinogen, has been proven to cause lung cancer with long term exposure. AARST-NRPP is the United States of America’s professional radon organization working to save lives.
American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologist (AARST) is a professional organization that is dedicated to delivering outstanding service, the highest standards of excellence in addition to the ethical performance of radon measurement, radon mitigation and transfer of technical knowledge through superior and continued education. AARST is a not for profit trade organization.
National Radon Proficiency Program (NRPP) is the section of AARST that assists Radon Measurement Providers also known as Radon Testers re-certify their credentials every 2 years to maintain their active status. This requires taking continuing education courses to stay current with industry changes and advancements in addition to device recertification. The recertification process for analytical devices requires the Radon Measurement Provider to ship their analytical device (aka electronic method of radon testing using a CRM or Continuous Radon Monitor) to a radioactive chamber to be loaded with radon alpha particles. The chamber then returns the technician’s loaded analytical device back to them. The technician then performs the data analysis of the loaded device. The results are sent to the chamber lab and if all matches correctly from the test, the technician is re-certified once all continuing educational requirements are met.
Without re-certification, the Radon Measurement Provider cannot perform radon testing using an active device. Please watch the informational video below about why it is so important to test your home for radioactive radon gas today.