Radon Awareness and Why It’s So Important

Radon Awareness and Why It’s So Important

When radon industry and real estate professionals speak of Radon Awareness, it’s important to know that radon is not a new threat of modern living but a threat to one’s health based on earth science. Radon is the natural breakdown of Uranium in rock and soil resulting in radioactive radon gas which has been proven to cause lung cancer after long term exposure and new studies have shown radon can negatively affect other internal organs as well.

The damaging affects of radon in the body is not hype, is not a scam and is not a fabricated story to coerce consumers to spend money to repair their home. Radon Causes Cancer and Public Awareness is imperative!

I recently set a radon test in a Massachusetts new construction home and the new homeowner’s mother was visiting from out of state. In her innocence, she asked me if radon was an issue in only Massachusetts because she never heard of it before. This was an opportune time to explain about the dangers of radon, that it is all over the world and how simple, effective methods are used to reduce the levels for a safe internal home environment.

There is never a need to panic if the radon levels are elevated because they can be reduced easily and effectively in the hands of a professional mitigation firm.  Test Your Home…Protect Your Family!


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